Sunday, April 15, 2007


Well been hours since i made my first post. I wonder if i've some kinda attitude problems with my parents. Long ago, i remember it wasn't this way. I was able to share every single moment of my life with my mum to say the least. The kind of things i did in school. I felt at ease talking bout it n sharing it with her. However, after she moved into the menopause phase, everything change. It's like she was no longer the same gentle person i used to know. Anything that i said would've annoyed her. Well that's if it wasn't to her liking but that wasn't the case before. That's y after i've moved to uni, my relationship with my parents seem to drift apart. With o these work to be done i seldom call home. Thought if anything happened they'd call me. Anyway, parents moved back to kch last Dec. Maybe there is still hope for me to get closer to my parents? Not too sure.. Have had a few dinners with awkward silence at the dinner table. Dad did try to start a conversation but o i did manage were short replies. He gave up after a few tries. Poor guy... Do wonder if it is my own attitude problems.... Sometimes i just keep quiet during family outings just to annoy my parents but on nights like this, it hurts my heart even more to think i did such things. It's like there are two personalities in me. The Good and The Bad. Wonder in the end of my journey called life which side would win the war over my body... I wonder...

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