Sunday, October 28, 2007


Life is such a funny thing. It always has some kinda surprise in store for everyone regardless of who they are. At times it's so ironic the things that life has in store for us that some people just decide to end their lives.

My life... Well can't really say it's THAT BAD... but somehow d kinda surprises it have are really just so unlikely that sometimes i wonder if I'm a character in a tragic comedy like Jim Carrey the Truman Show. It was just on Fri night dat my friend and i decided to go Hartz Chicken buffet to have dinner. All along the way, traffic was smooth. When v reached d destination, it din take us long to find a parking space. O seems too good to be true. My friend even joked that my life ain't so smooth, sth unexpected will happen like Hartz Chicken closing for d day. Told him dat was too unlikely. Most probably Hartz Chicken will just be overcrowded. True enough when v reached Hartz Chicken, it was overcrowding with people and people queued till d entrance of KFC. sigh... sometimes i think ppl just think i'm telling em a cock and bull story when i tell em some of d events dat happened in my life.

Just today, i realised dat maybe life is just like dat for everyone. As the saying goes " Sh!t Happens". In my previous post, i was poking fun at d Malaysian Astronut. Imagine his resume after his space flight "Job: Part time model cum Astronaut". He must be euphoric to be d first Malaysian to be in space. Sadly, his return trip to Earth was marred by d news that his brother knocked into a post and was comatized. Today, his brother passed away. Imagine that. At one moment, one is on top of the world. The next, one is basically at the lowest point in life knowing one's closest relative is not there to share one's joy. Life is good... at making people miserable. This time round with d utmost sincerity, "Dr. SMS, my heartfelt condolences to you and your family."

Guess that is life... It'll always have some surprise for us all... Those who manage to die with their sanity intact and with no guilty conscience have most probably succeeded in living life to d fullest...

1 comment:

Eve said...

Life is not human life...