Now tell me what this pic reminds u of ? If yr answer is D 1 ( k , i guess v do think alike then. This was what i had for dinner last Saturday. No I ain't gay. Come on it cost RM 13 ++ and for an unemployed student, that's considered quite a bomb. It was a dish in a restaurant in kch which goes by d name of Gajah (in english anyway. Dun wanna get sued for defamation).
Bout the restaurant, it ain't really a bad one. Nice environment with d correct ambiance. D only thing dat went wrong was d waiters and waitresses. My frens and i have sat there for bout more than 10 minutes yet none of em came over to take our orders. It was only after a whistle from my fren did the waitress came over. Now the menu din really have any pics to give the customers a good idea of the dishes they are about to order. At first i only wanted sth light so i ordered a blueberry sundae ( and it turned out to be really delicious... no worries it does not resemble t ! t 5). After seeing my frens ordered some heavy duty dinner though they just mentioned that they wanted to go for a snack earlier on, i decided to order a dish 2. Browsed through d menu and a description of a meal caught my eye. Tender chicken meat rolls stuffed with cheese and pepper. Fried to crisp. Served with coleslaw and FRENCH FRIES!!! Sounds tasty. D name of this dish? - Ala Kiev.
15 minutes later, the food came. My friends were served by the waitresses. As for me? D gay-looking chef (if my memory serves me right anyway) served this dish with a grin on his face. I dunno if it was a practical joke but the cheese had to flow outta d tip of d chicken roll. To make things worse, the colour of the cheese looks like some oh well u know what i wanna say... The image dat hit me when my dish was served - TADAa!!!
To eat or not to eat? That is the question. After considering the price i had to pay for this dish, i poured ketchup on it and just sliced it beyond recognition and stuffed it down my throat. Sigh... Even dat sounded so wrong... Oh well... That was my dinner for last Sat. For those of u bout to have yr meal... Bon appetit !!!
Kuching City Festival Parade 2007... Yeah... Definitely worth going... Usually wouldn't have cared less but i read in the news that Lim Kok Wing college is gonna have their female students dressed as cats... Damn... I'd still be going even if I was too sick to get outta my bed. Just to make my point, take a look at d pics...
These two are the lovely felines from Lim Kok Wing... What a nice purr... :D
Bad pic... Sad case as i had no idea of the focus when i was taking this pic - Sorry Michelle. This Eurasian cutie beside me is Michelle Vanessa Lee from Inti. And below is the pic of Michelle and her friend Siti. Following up Inti was some weird group which i can't recall but after that it was Swinburne.
The anime club doing cosplay from my uni - Swinburne University of Technology (Sarawak Campus). The chick holding d ball looks cute right? Usually she doesn't look as cute... Maybe it's d costumes :P
Oh here is the Armour Regiment of Kuching. They do look very pro huh ??? Traditional beauties of Sarawak. I called out to one but i realised the one beside her is prettier and i told her to call the one beside her. Then again, I decided it was less insulting to tell em i wanted to take a couple pic of them. Last but not least, the traditional Chinese Lion Dance. The blue lion looks quite amazing huh?
Now needless to say, I am sure most people who are reading this post knows what transformers are. Just in case u don't, it's not short for transexual performers. Watched the movie some time ago but haven sat down to blog bout it. Here is my conclusion : WATCH IT !!! But have any of you noticed the aliens seem to be male dominated species? Check out the video above and you'll have your answer. Enjoy!!!
Wii for sale??? iPhone's launching??? PS3 reaching the shores of Sarawak??? Nope... Merely a crowd frenzy on Swinburne's registration day. Heck... The tuition fees for one sem is more than any of those listed gadgets. Had i not known any earlier i would have thought that most of the people actually camped in the campus just to get in line for the registration.
It's been a few years but the damn enrollment system in Swinburne is still as bad or even worse than before. In the past years it took me no longer than an hour to register but now, it took me THREE BLOODY HOURS!!! ARGH!!!
This is how the story goes:
Some hot chicks or cicadas as my friends put it are not mere bimbos as how most people perceive em to be. As manipulative as they are, they know how to use their God-given assets well. When most people are queuing in line to get a number, they'd just sit there waiting for a miracle. And when the miracle don't come, the charm of a damsel in distress oways manage to do the trick. "Excuse me, will ya let me pass?" and so forth... Well it is bad enough idiots like me allow it to happen. Worse still, the staff who are suppose to be the ones responsible for crowd control condone it. They also allow these people to have it their way and cut queues and register.
Well, no offence meant but a lot of hostility intended - This staff in the line i was queuing seems to be thinking with his dickhead than with his head. When the gals so blatantly cut d queue and wanna register he gave such a goofy grin which made me wanna wipe it right outta his puny face. Once i've reached d counter did i realise y he took so long to process d enrollment of the gals. There on his tag - Name: Valentine. Damn.. No way am i gonna name any of my kids with a casanova name lest he turns out to be a total dickhead who thinks with his crotch than his brain.
As for the enrollment system, here are my humble suggestions:
1) Separate Engineering, Business and Multimedia into different floors. Business can be done in the ground floor auditorium, the Engineering ones can be done at the lecture hall on 8th floor while the multimedia ones can register on the 9th floor.
2) Stick to the numbering system and ENFORCE it!!! Eh... Don't let people jump queue just because they are leng loi lar... Not like dat act alone is gonna get u in bed wit any of them.
3) Employ more efficient staff. Efficiency is really an issue when you're handling a student population of around 900.
Above are my displeasure and suggestions for the CCB enrollment system.