Friday, June 26, 2009

What is and what could have been...

26th June... What is and what could have been...

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Stop patronizing me! I'm no longer a fxcking little kid. I'm so angry the rage within me is eating me alive... No wonder I can't wait to get away from you all !!! ARGH!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009




原来用工作麻醉自己依然骗不了自己。。。 自己不是机器。我有心跳,有感觉。。。


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Win an iPhone survey

Haha... Even Swinburne has jumped onto the iPhone bandwagon. It is now offering an iPhone as a prize for students to do surveys. :D Wonder who's be lucky enough to win it. Sounds like a scam though. I personally kinda doubt they'd give a real iPhone. A Malaysian or China imitation product maybe??? LOL...

Blood Donation...

Been so busy for the past month I didn't even have the time to post pics of me during a blood donation campaign. But here it is. Found out I'm an O+ type and my blood can be used to save a lot of lives.

The needle sticking in part was kinda painful. For most people, it was covered up but i took off d cover and took a pic of d needle sticking into my vein. :D C d metal tip going into d flesh?

Halfway through d donation... you can see my packet of blood dangling...

The full packet after the donation... Yummy...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Just manage to get my hands on a bunch of Godzilla movies. The sheer beauty of this monster :D The power that it has... The king of monsters... It's simply - AWESOME...